Monday, December 30, 2013

Our World Tuesday - the New Year edition

Wishing you all a new year full of laughter, light, good health and a sprinkling of magic!

In the words of Nelson Mandela: "May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears."

Monday, December 23, 2013

Our World Tuesday - the Christmas Edition

Wishing you all much joy during the Christmas season.

In the words of a Native American saying: "Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way."

Monday, December 16, 2013

Our World Tuesday - the Lucia edition

Lucia is the tradition that brings light into the heart of darkness.

Wishing you all a de-light-ful week!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Our World Tuesday: 9 December 2013 Edition

Here in Sweden, we got some snow at last!

Wishing you all a wonderful week.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday, November 25, 2013

OUr World: 25 November Edition

Wishing you all a great week! And if you celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you have a lovely holiday.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Our World: 18th November Edition

Welcome back to another wonderful week!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Our World Tuesday: 11 November Edition

Welcome back to another week of Our World Tuesday!

Thank you all for contributing.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Our World: 4 November

It's November already and the days are getting shorter and shorter over here.

Wishing you all a wonderful week.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Our World: 28 October 2013

The last week of October ... already!

It's still mild where I live in Sweden and we're enjoying the late autumn woods.

Wishing you all a spook-tacular week!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Our World Tuesday: 21 October 2013 

Sometimes it pays to get up early at the weekend. I managed to snap the full moon!

Wishing you a fabulous week.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday, October 7, 2013

It's autumn or spring -- at last!

Our World: 7 October 2013

I love the changing of the seasons - and so does Oscar!

Have a wonderful week.

Oscar enjoying the autumn leaves

Monday, September 30, 2013


Autumn has really blown in for us in Sweden.

And can you believe that it's already October?

By the way, Our World Tuesday is out on Facebook. Come post your pictures on Our World Tuesday on Facebook.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Our World: 23 September 2013

Our World: 23 September 2013

Welcome back to another week of Our World.

We had the Autumn Equinox at the weekend so now the days will be getting shorter if you live in the northern hemisphere. (And longer for our friends in the southern hemisphere.)

Monday, September 16, 2013

Our World Tuesday: 16 September edition!

I forgot to introduce my dog, Oscar, to you last week. Many of you know him already from my blog. You'll notice that he has a love of water...

Hoping you make a big splash this week.

Monday, September 9, 2013

OUR WORLD: 9 September

Wishing you all a wonderful week!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Our World: 2 September 2013

Can you believe it's September already?

Welcome to a brand-new month!

My deepest apologies for the delay ... our Internet was down! 

All is well now, so please do post! 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Our World: 26 August 2013

WELCOME back to another week of Our World Tuesday!

Do visit the lovely ladies who are the heart and soul of this meme - you'll find their names there on the right --->

A lovely dawn on the lake

Monday, August 19, 2013

Our World: 19 August 2013

Nice to see you here!

It's Lady Fi again. I'm an ex-pat Brit living just outside Stockholm, Sweden. It's back to school and work for us this week after a long summer break.

Hope this finds you all enjoying your summer/winter.

P.S. Just a little tip: it's awfully difficult to leave comments on blogs that still have Word Verification turned on. You might consider turning it off - pretty please?

Monday, August 12, 2013

Our World Tuesday: 12 August 2013


Hi, I'm your new host, Lady Fi. Some of you know me. For those of you who don't, you can find me at my blog: Lady Fi.

I'm happy to celebrate the start of my 6th (!) year of blogging with you all. (Fingers crossed that I manage to make the linking tool work!)

Monday, August 5, 2013

Our World Tuesday: Week 102

Welcome back to another week--and thank you for being here.

Week 102

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Monday, July 29, 2013

Our Word Tuesday: Week 101

Welcome back for another week of Our World Tuesday! We are again looking for a new host. If you can spare five minutes a week and take care of the nominal linking cost, please send me an email!

Week 101

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Monday, July 22, 2013

Our World Tuesday: Week 100

Welcome back for Week 100

Week 100

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Monday, July 15, 2013

Our World Tuesday: Week 99

Thanks for coming back for the 99th week of Our World Tuesday! We're glad you're here.

Week 99

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Monday, July 8, 2013

Our World Tuesday: Week 98

Welcome back for the 98th week of Our World Tuesday!  Thanks for being here and sharing with us.

Week 99

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Monday, July 1, 2013

Our World Tuesday Week 97

You snooze –you lose!
Yes, she's in a bag.
School is out.
Summer is here in my part of the world.
Show me your world!

Remember your Netiquette and visit at least 5 of your co-bloggers if you can find the time! It is the neighbourly thing to do.
Remember to link to your specific Tuesday post. I'm having a hard time trying to find some of them from last week's post.

It didn't work, again. I am sorry. I've been on holiday and things just didn't work out. As well, today is Canada Day, and a BIG holiday.
Ready, set...

Monday, June 24, 2013

Our World Tuesday –Week 96

Be a dear and come on in and show us your world. I am away today, right across the continent. Hopefully Mr. Linky works for me! 
I'm in Chemainus, B.C., missing the swamp at home! 

Welcome, show us your world!

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Monday, June 17, 2013

Our World Tuesday –Week 95

I'm glad you navigated your way back to our blog.
We navigated our way down to Brockville to visit some tall ships in the harbour.

As always, Mr. Linky will be available at 15:00 hours.
Please join us and show us your world!

Welcome, show us your world!

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Monday, June 10, 2013

Our World Tuesday –Week 94

Another world tour!

Don't be afraid, hop up and show us your part of the world!

 Remember to visit your blog buddies. I try to visit 5 people who post! It's just good fun and Netiquette!

The cats want out in the dark to play
Coyote howls keeping them at bay
Jenny sits on the porch with the bugs
Mosquitoes try to give more than hugs
Moths they flitter; fragrant bloom to bloom
Tree Frog eyes glitter; for prey they swoon

Welcome, show us your world!

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Monday, June 3, 2013

Our World Tuesday Week 93

Yes, indeed.
The week has passed and on to another.

Thank you for visiting us and sharing our world. We learn so much when we visit one another, even virtually!

Whether you are blowing dandelion parachutes, or visiting grandkids, or if your weather is blowing, take a moment to pause, and embrace life and nature.

Thank you for participating! There is much to see and do in this world.

If you can stop
By me today
Take a moment during play
Work or pleasure
Whatever the weather
Happy we spend
This time together!

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Monday, May 27, 2013

Our World Tuesday Week 92

Another week has passed. Spring continues to unfold in my world.

Birds are nesting
leaves unfolding
insects hatching
animals matching.

Show us your part of this wonderful world!

Welcome, show us your world!

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Monday, May 20, 2013

Our World Tuesday Week 91

I hope it is a beautiful day in your neighbourhood!
Canada celebrates today as a national holiday.
Queen Victoria was born on May 24, 1819.
Traditionally, it's the weekend to open up the cottage and enjoy the outdoors after a long winter.

It's been a buggy weekend in South East Ontario, but I braved it to take some photos! (Hubby sat in the car.)
I hope you can appreciate our Canadian flag on a beaver dam, the beaver being our national symbol!
- My apologies for the mess up today.
I am not usually on my computer at the time I have been told to post Mr. Linky (3 p.m.) and since I cannot comment, it is a bit frustrating. Perhaps someone else might like to do it!
Thank you for the very kind souls who politely explained the error of my ways!

Welcome, show us your world!

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Monday, May 13, 2013

Our World Tuesday Week 90

We'd love to see your world!
It is a beautiful world, indeed!
Visit us at 3 p.m. and you can post your image and link.
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Monday, May 6, 2013

Our World Tuesday Week 89

Even the disparaged dandelion, and the lowly ant, has a place in our world! I, for one, am glad to see them after a snowy winter.

Show us your world!

As ever, the link opens up at 3 p.m., hope to see you then!

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Monday, April 29, 2013

Our World Tuesday Week 88

Another week begins. I'm happy you could visit to share your world. Be sure and visit the other participants!

Show us your smiling faces!
We went to MapleFest this weekend. It was a blast!
My. Linky will open this afternoon at 3:00!
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Monday, April 22, 2013

Our World Tuesday Week 87

In a week of terrible disasters around the world, I am happy to see all of you here to share your great blog posts and photo stories.
Don't fly away, be sure and add your link!
Some of us are seeing signs of spring, others still hoping for spring, others are under flood emergencies (E.g., Muskoka, Ontario).

As always, Mr. Linky will open promptly at 3 p.m., but don't forget to visit me, too!

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Monday, April 15, 2013

Our World Tuesday Week 86

He's in the pond sleeping now!
There are many wonderful memes out there. I am so happy you joined us here. There is nothing better than sharing your world with others.
You make friends, and you can access worlds you may not be able to access in body - only in cyberspace, and find the fabulous photos  amateurs can take.

I concentrated on what I could *do* for my world. They say your circle of influence is small, but it is real. I built a goldfish pond and a bullfrog moved in!
Species at risk are our reptiles and amphibians, for example.
 With Earth Day April 22nd looming. How do you show respect for your world?
Mr. Linky is good to go for 3 p.m. if I did it correctly this week! See you soon!
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Monday, April 8, 2013

Our World Tuesday Week 85

Here we go. Jump on in, another chance to run on in with photos of your world.

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Monday, April 1, 2013

Our World Tuesday Week 84

Here we are, it is Monday again, time to hop up and post your Tuesday blogs! Please visit me, as I take you on a tour of a local river and the birds that have returned there for spring!
Thank you, all of you long-time readers, as you show me patience as I figure out Mr. Linky!

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Monday, March 25, 2013

Our World Tuesday Week 83

Three crows in a row
–ready to view your part of the world.

Do you (still) have snow?
We do in Ontario, Canada!

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Monday, March 18, 2013

Our World Tuesday Week 82

Yes, we're back again. How the week flies by!
It is time to crow about your part of the world!
Thanks for sharing! We love our virtual travels.

Welcome, show us your world!

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Monday, March 11, 2013

What does your world look like in Week 81?

We approach the Spring Equinox on this continent. The sun's warmth is nurturing our world.
What about your world?

Welcome, show us your world!

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Monday, March 4, 2013

Our World Tuesday Week 80

Many of us are stuck in the snow.
Stand up and share your world! Here is your chance to peek into the beautiful world around us! Here is my world.

Klaus Peter, of Florida, founded OWT three years ago and published every Monday until Klaus passed over into the next world. Klaus created the meme as "the place where you show others the area around you and become our Tourist Guide!"

Welcome, show us your world!

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Monday, February 25, 2013

Our World Tuesday: Week 79

Dear Our World Tuesday Friends:

The Our World team has added another host to our group. She is Jennifer Jilks, and she has agreed to handle posting the weekly linking hub for the foreseeable future.

Our World Tuesday is a collaborative effort, and we're blessed with a great group of hosts who are sure to make the rounds and visit you as often as they can. With me, Sylvia, Gattina, Arija, and Lady Fi have been a part of this meme for a long time, and they are essential to its spirit of laid-back, good-spirited interaction. Thanks, ladies, for being a part of Our World Tuesday.

 We promise to continue delivering this blog to you every Monday at 3 p.m. sharp. Thanks for being here, and we hope you have a great week!

All the best,
Sandy Carlson

Our World Tuesday, Week 79

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Monday, February 18, 2013

Our World Tuesday: Week 78

9 lives, indeed!
Welcome to our world! What is going on in your world?!
Thanks for your patience as I get the hang of all this!


Welcome, show us your world!

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Monday, February 11, 2013

Our World Tuesday: Week 77

Welcome to our world Tuesday. I have taken it over from Sandy, being a gainfully unemployed and retired person, I would love to help you peek at and explore one another's worlds!
Join me!

Please, leave a link, and don't forget to add our button!

Welcome, show us your world!

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Our World Tuesday: Week 77

Hello, Friends, 

I am appealing to you for your help. I'd like to move on from hosting this site, but I don't want to do that until someone else is willing to step up and take care of this. Hosting means creating an account with one of the linking systems--Mr. Linky, Inlinkz, or whatever else is out there--and creating the code and pasting it into a blog post window every week. 

Make the rest of the business as fancy as you want or as simple. That's all there is to it. You go for a free linking account or pay about $20 every six months for thumbnail listing. 

I've been handling this for Skywatch and Our World Tuesday for the last few years, and I'd really like to move on. Please contact me via my blog if you will help out. 

 Thanks, Sandy

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Monday, February 4, 2013

Our World Tuesday: Week 76

Welcome back, and thanks for the making the day brighter by being here.

Our World Tuesday, Week 76

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Monday, January 28, 2013

Our World Tuesday: Week 75

Welcome back, and thanks for being here!

Our World Tuesday, Week 75

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Monday, January 21, 2013

Our World Tuesday: Week 74

Our World Tuesday, Week 74

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Monday, January 14, 2013

Our World Tuesday: Week 73

Have a great week!

Our World Tuesday, Week 73

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Monday, January 7, 2013

Our World Tuesday, Week 72

Welcome back for another week!

Our World Tuesday, Week 72  

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